Hello, my name is Daniel.

I’m an educator, and an engineer.

As an educator, I teach physics and mathematics while maintaining sensitivity and respect for Torah values and the theological framework of our community. I am proud to teach a number of subjects at Ohr HaTorah Yeshiva, including courses in physics, calculus, and applied engineering. I believe that education is not merely a profession, but a means of collaborative thinking which increases societal wellbeing. For more information about my methods and teaching philosophy, please visit the “Education” page.

As an engineer, I have been using digital fabrication and 3D printing technology since 2016 as an essential part of the iterative design and manufacturing process. I have also managed manufacturing facilities in which technicians, machine operators, and line workers, cooperated efficiently with CNC machinery under high standards of safety. I now help my clients achieve their goals by providing a range of engineering services. Check out the “Engineering” page for more information.

On a personal note, I also create pieces spanning numerous artistic mediums including sculpture, fashion, painting, music, literature, poetry, and photography. Under the “Projects” tab, you can find more information regarding some of my past projects.